A Message From the ASI Officer Team

By: Mark Borges, Elizabeth Roseman, Rob Moore on Mar 30, 2020 in ASI Student Government

Dear Mustang Community,

We hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy during these stressful times. As an organization, ASI is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of the communities we serve.

Cal Poly continues to monitor the evolving situation with COVID-19, and we encourage you to visit coronavirus.calpoly.edu for the latest campus communications and information. Detailed information about basic-needs resources, housing, dining, parking, financial aid, and more can be found on this webpage.

ASI-managed facilities including the Julian A. McPhee University Union and the Cal Poly Recreation Center are no longer open to the public; however, we are working to provide virtual programs and services during spring quarter. For the latest ASI specific updates on programs, services, and operations, please visit bit.ly/ASICOVID-19.

Though the ASI Student Government Office is not open to the public, we are committed to representing the student voice during this time. The ASI officers will be working virtually for the duration of the year and advocating for all students’ best interests. Our contact information is below. Please contact us with any questions you may have, and we promise to respond to you in a timely and efficient manner.

If you or any students you know are in a financial or other crisis at this time, please contact the Dean of Students Office. They are assisting students virtually at this time.

While we understand that students are not having the spring quarter experience they imagined, if you have returned to your permanent residence, we urge you to stay there and not return to campus or the San Luis Obispo area during spring quarter. Public health authorities continue to stress the urgency of limiting social contacts and non-essential travel, and we ask that everyone continue doing their part. This is a stressful and confusing time, but we are confident in our campuses' ability to move forward as a strong, resilient community.

Take care Mustangs,
Mark Borges
ASI President

Elizabeth Roseman
Chair, University Union Advisory Board

Rob Moore
Chair, ASI Board of Directors

Mark Borges, Elizabeth Roseman, and Rob Moore stand smiling in professional clothing


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ASI Student Government ASI Officers Cal Poly ASI Cal Poly COVID-19 University Union Cal Poly Recreation Center spring quarter Dean of Students Office


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